How I do to Organize my time - Worldwid TichNews


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jeudi 9 avril 2020

How I do to Organize my time

How I do to Organize my time

How do I organize my time

Time management methods:

    Books and websites alike are full of many tips and plans that aim to help a person manage his time to become an active individual in society and contribute to building civilizations. 

    However, talking about organizing time, so that it is feasible and effective, must necessarily deal with deeper dimensions than just Distribution of timelines and general advice for setting goals Why? Because time is close to a human being, and it is one of the dimensions of the life in which we were created, as some physicists consider it the fourth dimension in addition to the three spatial dimensions: length, width, and height.

    So time is life, and when I swear to God so much in the Noble Qur’an, a new glory dimension has been added to it, as it is a great blessing and a cosmic creature that we do not realize its secret and do not have influence over it, and from that comes that we are limited in time.

    So we have no control over it because It limits us to specific laws: 24 hours a day, daylight forms part of it according to the season of the year, and according to the geographical location of the place on the globe, and from this, the rational should realize that the term time management is a metaphorical term intended to manage our lives and goals within the limits of time available to us in this Life.

Setting goals:

    The fuel of our lives is the time that God Almighty gave us, i.e. the age in which we were assigned to reconstruct the earth and spread goodness, and from this important introduction each person sets out to define what distinguishes him as a person and his talents, long-term goals, and near goals, and what activities motivate him to achieve And to use the available time, and all of these goals are arranged and followed continuously within an appropriate time plan.
    Determine what triggers your best and excites your enthusiasm to devote a significant portion of your time to it. Is it money? Academic achievement? Job promotion? Stability within a balanced family and marriage? Are there pending matters in your life that you want to treat before entering a new project, for example?

    Arrange the goals you set according to priorities. If you are a college student, for example, the focus may be on studying and obtaining high marks for him. The first priority is on a goal such as collecting money, for example.

    Before thinking about career advancement. The benefit of prioritizing goals is to give one task more time and focus on it, rather than being scattered with many goals and little time for each goal.

    Increase the chances of success in achieving the goals, necessarily associated with adherence to the set plan, and non-procrastination and postponement.

Set goals intelligently:

    For goals to be strong and effective, they must be designed intelligently. Four criteria define and refine the quality of objectives:

  1. Specific and not general, clear and not blurry: Because the general and vague goals do not define the exact path of implementation.
  2. Measurable: There must be a clear reference to determine whether or not the goal has been achieved, and how much success rate. Suppose a person is trying to get rid of obesity, he must determine what weight he wants to reach, and consider it as a reference to him to decide whether he is approaching his goal or away.
  3. Accessible: Putting goals on him should be commensurate with the ability of the person, since it is not reasonable that a person has not exercised for a long period of his life, and his muscles are not strong, that he can, from the first visit to the gym, carry heavyweights that only those with long experience and flexibility in this can do the field.
  4. Exactly set time: setting the time required for a specific plan helps to stick to it and not delay it. It also means accelerating the celebration of achievement.

Writing goals:

    As with writing, there is no excuse for forgetting, and it is preferable to place the targets in a visible area that is constantly visible to the eye so as not to forget them, on the walls, the computer screen, the door of the refrigerator.

Take practical steps:

    If the goal is large, it must be divided into small goals, and define practical implementation steps, for it to move to reality and not remain on paper.


    Goal setting is an ongoing activity that does not stop, and to succeed, there must be a follow-up plan for each goal in the long term to ensure commitment.

Preorder plans:

    Instead of wasting time thinking about what tasks you will accomplish on the same day, arrange a schedule for completion in advance, on the night before bed, for example, for fifteen minutes, or in the early morning after taking.

Reducing distractions:

    Start paying attention to what reduces your time efficiency, such as: interrupting people while you do important work, checking your phone, and social media on an ongoing basis. Then put strategies to avoid these distractions: close the door, for example, while working, put your phone away from you, set aside time to check emails and social media, instead of checking them occasionally.

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